Showing Up as a Leader

Ep. 1 Subha Barry, President at Working Mother Media

Varsha Waishampayan and Roopa Bhandarkar Season 1 Episode 1

WINGS for Growth presents "Showing up as a leader" with Subha Barry. Subha talks to us about how she overcame the cultural barriers and biases as a first-generation immigrant while ensuring that she stayed true to her authentic self. She says both men and women leaders must learn when to pull out the tough and bold side of you and when to be empathetic, nurturing emotional self. A good leader knows how to be both. We will also hear her break the myth of work-life balance, talk about the importance of women supporting women, and leading with a generosity of spirit. Finally, we pressed Subha on tough questions like, are CEOs checking the box as it relates to diversity?


  • Keep a crisis journal that catalogs your learning and then brag about it.
  • The wisest decision you make in your life is whom you marry. You need to have that support at home to be successful.
  • As a woman immigrant, you should never feel that you are a minority. Use your strengths to amplify who you are.  
  • Take your seat at the head of the table and bring along another woman to sit next to you.
  • Sometimes wrong, but never in doubt. Have the courage of conviction.

Guest Bio:

Subha V. Barry is President of Working Mother Media. She oversees Working
Mother magazine,, Diversity Best Practices (the leading
corporate membership organization supporting diversity and inclusion), the
National Association for Female Executives (NAFE) and Culture@Work.

During her 21 years at Merrill Lynch, Subha was a wealth advisor, a branch
manager, the leader of the Multicultural Business Development Group and
Global Head of Diversity and Inclusion.

At Freddie Mac, she was the Senior Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer
with oversight of Diversity & Inclusion, Supplier Diversity, Community
Engagement and the Freddie Mac Foundation.

She has taught Gender Policy at Columbia University. She serves on a number of boards aligned with her passions, education, cancer research and women’s advancement.

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